Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 2: Math + Art

In this week’s lecture, we learned about how math influenced arts and how artists came to discover principles of mathematics throughout their artworks. In particular, Professor Vesna talked about how math concepts like vanishing point and perspective influenced the way artists make arts. Almost all Renaissance artists used perspective to enhance their compositions, including Masaccio, Mantegna, Da Vinci, etc.

The concept of vanishing point helps artists convey their ideas more accurately

The Last Supper, by Da Vinci, is a perfect example of how Renaissance artists used perspective to convey their arts. By locating the Jesus’ head at the vanishing point for all the perspective lines, Da Vince created a vibrant scene filled with emotions. The reactions that the apostles have implied that one of them would betray Jesus. This painting, with its innovative way of rendering, signals the peak of the Renaissance and how science and math influenced arts.

The Last Supper by Da Vinci

Today, mathematics is becoming even more relevant in the fields of arts. This quarter, I am taking the computer graphics class which is a perfect example of the juxtaposition of math, arts and science. The course requires us to use mathematics to model the real world to create animations. The topic is pretty relevant in the real world, as we see great animations made by companies like Pixar and Dreamworks that brought so much joy to people’s lives. The combination of arts and math make all of this possible.

Pixar characters are modeled with the help of mathmatics


Cruise, Brit. "Pixar in a Box: the Math Behind the Movies". N.p., n.d. 2012. <>

Nichols, Linda. "Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper" N.p., n.d. 2003. <

Mckay, Kate. "The Basics of Art: The Renaissance" N.p., n.d. 2008.  <>

"Science and Art of Perspective" Science and Art of Perspective. N.p., n.d. 2008.<>

Vesna, Victoria. “Mathematics.” Lecture. CoLE DESMA 9. Web. <>.

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