Sunday, April 23, 2017

Event 1

This Wednesday, I went to the workshop with Linda Weintraub. The workshop was about net-materialism which encourages people to interact directly with nature. Linda first talked about how our lives are dominated by mass-produced/ artificial products and the virtual world like the internet. The point she was trying to make is quite interesting and intimidating: we’re so obsessed with artificial products that we lost our ability to contact with the nature and the control over our own bodies . Although technology and science help improve arts, as Professor Vesna mentioned in lectures, they also have devastating effects on the nature and how we interact with the nature.

Rearranging objects according to their weight
After the talk, Linda led us into a room filled with stuff she picked up from a forest in Upstate New York, where she hoped we can connect with the objects with solely our bodies, and communicate with the nature. It was quite a unique and overwhelming experience. Several objects require us to use our sense, rather than precise and scientific measures using electronics, to interact with. For example, there was a box full of mosses whose smell Linda hoped us to describe using our own senses rather than a chemistry composition of the particles composing the mosses. 

The honeycomb Linda collected from the woods
I would definitely recommend the event to my fellow classmates because I think it would provide us with a perfect opportunity to rethink over the influence of mass production and artificial products on our lives and also because it was such a fun experience!

Me at the event

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